H3C AD-WAN (Application-Driven SD-WAN)Functionality Validation

H3C SD-WAN Solution H3C AD-WAN (Application-Driven SD-WAN)Functionality Validation

Sponsor: New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd

All Reports Sponsored by this Vendor

Document Number: 221142

Publication Date: 11/2/2021

Page Count: 36


With the development of cloud computing, mobile Internet and other application modes, and the change of traffic pattern, the network needs to actively "adapt" to the demands of application traffic, and change as needed. The H3C Application-Driven SD- WAN (AD-WAN) solution can improve the remote user application experience, as fast and as secure as accessing local applications. It can meet various networking needs such as enterprise self-built and internet service provider-operated SD-WAN, and support all-scenario connectivity between headquarters, branches, data centers, and the cloud, as well as large-scale flexible networking and ISP POP networking.

H3C commissioned Tolly to evaluate the AD-WAN solution. The results show that the H3C AD-WAN solution can not only implement traditional SD-WAN functions, but also expand and extend SD-WAN.

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