NAC Interoperability Test of Huawei CloudCampus Solution with CA

Network Access Control Interoperability Test of Huawei CloudCampus Solution with CA Spectrum

Sponsor: Huawei Technologies, Co. Ltd

All Reports Sponsored by this Vendor

Document Number: 223154

Publication Date: 12/28/2023

Page Count: 112


Huawei campus switches are ideal for building future-proof campus networks with simplified management, high reliability, and service intelligence, across industries such as enterprises, governments, education, finance, and manufacturing, Legacy networks may already have a network management system implemented and, thus, it is important to demonstrate interoperability with such existing systems.

Tolly engineers verified the interoperability of the Huawei CloudCampus solution with the CA Spectrum network management system (NMS) solution across a wide range of function types and interoperability methods with Huawei networking interconnections. Independent interoperability was tested via Huawei switches and standalone wireless access controller (WAC).

The test suite covered the following areas: adding devices, displaying device information, protocol and port up/down alarm scenarios, and capturing configuration using Telnet and SSH.

The Huawei Cloud Campus solution passed all the relevant test cases to interoperate with the CA Spectrum network management system.

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